This season of quiet, hidden rest and healing will soon end. Those that have stood and judged you just as Judas judged the woman’s broken alabaster box; they won’t be able to avoid the scent of your surrendered worship. The oil you are carrying is intoxicating, welcomed and given by our Holy Creator. This season of hidden healing was needed and purposed. What you have been pressed and anointed to do in this season to come will heal and throw the mountains of this life into the seas. Remain in your steadfast obedience no matter how uncomfortable it is, no matter how ready you are to move forward; remain steadfast in this place until He releases you.
“But now, this is what the Lord says— he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”
Isaiah 43:1-2 NIV
““Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. The wild animals honor me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.”
Isaiah 43:18-21 NIV
“The landslide will not come easy”. This phrase dropped heavy on me today in the most random way, and yet when it hit, I felt the weight of it.
We can all run on the surface and apply this to the USA election but it is much more than one event. Do I think there is an element to apply here? Yes, I do. However, if the Lord is saying it’s not coming easy, our understanding AND ACTION must be to battle from our authoritative Heavenly seat and partner with what Heaven is declaring. This isn’t a simple agreement with what all the loud voices are clamoring on about, it’s about each of us being a Bride in action and wielding the weapons of warfare for this moment. You know how to fight; so fight! You have breath in your lungs for this set time, you cannot sit this out in observation! This isn’t about a person or a specific office but about certain principalities taking deeper roots. Are we as the Bride allowing it on our watch or are we uprooting and tearing it down? (Psalm 144:1, Jer. 1:10)
This year, the Lord has been highlighting a few things to me in scripture. The most recent one was declaring that we are in a “Ziklag moment”. What does this mean? It means we are battle-worn. It means the enemy has plundered us while we were fighting. It means we have been robbed of relationships and other things here in this earthly realm. It has also brought us to a place where some have turned on us but we are pivoting and inquiring of the Lord. His word says to pursue, His promise is we will overtake and we will recover all with success. In the pursuit comes a fasting. In the pursuit, there is another battle but it is successful and the recovery will show that nothing is missing; everything returned in full measure. We love to hear of and receive the recovery, but we don’t want to go back to war. Well, my friends, we were born for war! If you truly want the recovery you have to pursue and hunt down the enemy! No cowering in fear!
Another one in front of me this year has been the story of Paul in Acts 27. He was going on a mission and then landed somewhere completely different because of a storm and a shipwreck. He went through all of that on one simple word, “no life will be lost”.
We all have promises and a mission in this life, but are we willing to be shipwrecked? You’re going to survive, but you’re going to get dashed on the rocks, you’re going to get detoured, your life will be threatened and you’re going to get bit; are you willing to be shipwrecked? So many times we want “the landslide”, but we want it to come with ease. Winning landslides in this earth sometimes come with such an amazing victory we forget the endurance it took to finish the game.
The landslide will not come easy…
Landslides comes in the battles held with steadfast endurance and the faith in a simple word from the Lord. Our stance is to trust in His Word, His Will and His Way. Our action is to partner with Heaven with us being the very collision point for Heaven to manifest; the gateways for our King of Glory who is dressed for battle to come through! (Ps. 24:7-8)
The landslide will not come easy…but it will come.
“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chr. 7:14 NIV”
The favor of God was on Joseph when his brothers betrayed him. It was on him as he stood on the slave block. It was on him as he served in Potifer’s house and it was on him in the prison before it was ever on him in the palace.
We have to see the favor of God on us in ALL situations as we witness Him carry and prepare us through!
No More "Rapture Crapture"
October 18, 2023
Revival is Repentance that moves us into reformation; not some pinnacle of achievement or finishing line but the starting gate for Heaven’s greatness & God’s Glory.
Watch out for those using these moves of God to build a following/stage/clout and calling it ministry. Discernment is a requirement to walk through these days; not to be used for judgment or gossip. Stay postured in love, repentance & humility.
Experiences are nice, but they float on the surface. Encounters are where the real change happens!
Reviving us will Revive-ALL!
I’m seeing way too many in self-preservation & celebration mode instead of fighting to save as many as possible.
Time for a re-posturing & perspective shift if you’re more excited about Jesus returning than you are heartbroken over the lost ones.
Revive-All is here, but if you’re hopping around for an experience instead of inviting an encounter; your current state of revival is simply nothing more than a sugar-rush. Holy Spirit will encounter you to the depths of your invitation.
Just sayin’.
Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
I pray that instead of coming up with resolutions you choose to stand with resolve. A steadfastness and determination to step forward intentionally into everything the Lord is calling you to and in your speaking; weighing every single word. Your penitent posture will carry you further and deeper in the very authority placed upon your shoulders.
I speak blessings over you as you step into 2023. You are blessed going in, you are blessed going out. Everything you set your hands to spring forth abundance! May the Lord bless you, keep you, may His Face shine upon you and give you Peace.
All of the turbulence you’ve been experiencing has been the Hand of God separating the wheat and the tares. Our wheat can’t stand tall or strong if it’s surrounded by weeds that rob it of its nutrients and stunt its growth. It was fine for a moment but now is the time for the separation.
This separation is not simply Good vs. Evil; although that is happening. More importantly is that God has been and is continuing to separate the religious from the Remnant within each of us personally and around us corporately. We cannot look at things corporately before we take a look at ourselves personally. Have you asked The Lord to pull the tares from your own thoughts, emotions and/or “churchy” habitual-rituals? If our wheat (who we are called to be) is riddled with weeds and tares than purity cannot flow and our crop is corrupted. In this hour, our posture on an altar is where His Glory is hitting; not the spotlight of human affirmation and adoration.
Only ask for it if you’re really going mean it because it will be uncomfortable and it will cut. Don’t invite the separation if all you’re going to do is whine about it and blame the enemy. Just sayin’.
Holy Father, we sit down in the quiet moment of time and invite You and your hand to come in to remove all the tares that are choking out and hindering our growth and function. Lord, we desperately desire to walk fully in all you have called us to; the very purpose you set upon our lives and we want to walk in the fullness of that unhindered. We lay everything down on this altar for Your fire to fall on it; remove everything that You haven’t anointed for this moment of time. In Jesus Name, Amen!
I also pray that whatever pain many of you are experiencing; you feel His loving and healing arms wrap around you right now. I bless you in the Name of Jesus, on your altar, in your healing, the work you set your hands to and in all your successes! May the Lord bless you, keep you and may His face shine upon you and give you peace.
We cannot ask God for all things to be new and then expect His New to fit into our old. The God of Creation does not bend His knee or His plans into our finite wishes or demands.
““This, then, is how you should pray: “ ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10 (NIV)
When we pray for His Kingdom to come, pray then get out of the way and make room for His Will to be done; not ours.
The beginning of this New Era is shaking us all and is uncomfortable. Let it come; you’ll be glad you did. What is swiftly coming, only in this posture are you able to receive.
I speak protection and peace over each one of you in this moment. I also bless you in your surrender and receiving of all God has for you now and in the days to come.
Stop being so futuristically focused you’re no presently good. YES, dream! YES, plan! BUT, steward the NOW so you are able and prepared to steward the future!
Embrace the Creator and rest in all the unknown by realizing His answers don’t usually come in the way we think they will. That way of thinking and believing will throw you into battles of disappointment and hope-deferred. He ALWAYS fulfills His Word and purpose in and through your life. Tear down the boxes and let God be God!
I know it’s easier said than done, but once we lay down our plans and ideas, we see the beauty of all God is laying out before us
Be blessed!!
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